Horizon Scanning

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Horizon Scanning is a systematic investigative study to detect early signs of developments of interest. This might be weak signals, early trends, black swan events, or threats. Typically, Horizon Scanning is used to shed light on topics which may challenge past assumptions and may not get much attention by respective decision makers and policy makers.

Horizon Scanning

Our tool allows us to automate the process of generating strategic intelligence and supporting automatic Horizon Scanning processes. Where Internet data is required, the system can collect data from news websites, blogs, forums, deep web sources, and dark web sources. The system can also tap directly on insider knowledge through interviews, surveys, internal documents, and structured data.

By providing analysts with powerful collection and analysis tools, they may look at wide sectoral issues or narrow issues to identify potential strategic issues and proceed to monitor them over time. With analysts can accelerate the sense-making process using automatic information extraction and data visualization and drilldown.

For users who require full foresight capabilities or to support scenario planning, we offer advanced scenario development models such as System Maps, System Dynamics, Bayesian Modelling, and Morphological Analysis.

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