Public Health

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The onset of the COVID‐19 crisis has a profound impact in the health, social, economic, and political spheres. At the current phase of the pandemic, many countries are in different forms of lockdown, movement restriction and restriction on commercial and social activities.

We offer a comprehensive solution to the COVID-19 challenges with the following complimentary capabilities:

Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps

  • Mobile app for contact tracing using Bluetooth technology to identify individuals in close contact for more than few minutes
  • Mobile app for tracking individual locations
Geolocation Surveillance
Geolocation Surveillance

  • Ability to collect past 14 days location of individual by offering them to login to Facebook or Google
  • Geolocation of an individual phone number
  • Mass Geolocation by means of Virtual SIGINT (using mobile adtech technology)
Digital and Dark Web Intelligence
Digital and Dark Web Intelligence

  • WEBcollection to identify information about events and social activities, identify fake news about COVID-19, or posts of individuals in quarntine who are out and about.
Big Data Fusion
Big Data Fusion

  • Fusion investigation platform to consolidate all data to support epidemiological investigation
  • Alert system for mobile apps to inform individuals if they were in contact with a known case.


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